Winter is Coming

Russian chess grandmaster Gary Kasparov said on TV last week that “ISIS cannot destroy the EU, unfortunately Vladimir Putin can” whilst promoting his new book “Nadchodzi Zima” “Winter Is Coming” – he went on to say  “dark and dangerous times are ahead of us but if we don’t confront them now it will be worse.”

Poland today faces the threat of Russia and the threat of Kaczynski.

Cyber-warfare is an important part of Hybrid-warfare. The PiS party have been copying Putin in creating a vast network of magazines, TV stations, radio stations, local newspapers, online portals, websites and social media sites over the past 8 years and along with an army of 6000 paid trolls they have changed and manipulated the way a large portion of society thinks. With their conversion of “State Public Media” into the new propaganda channels of “National Media” the propaganda war is almost won.

Through propaganda they have divided Polish society into 2 camps -those that believe it   and those that do not.  Split with roughly 40% of the population in both camps and 20% undecided. The Church has aided them in this. Whilst the Committee for the Defence of Democracy (KOD) has been trying to align the unbelievers.

To the followers of the “PiSlamic State” – believers of the propaganda and cult like members supporting PiS- the following will be a joy to hear.

I took these notes whilst watching yesterdays government backed conference on “The problems of contemporary politics . Armed conflicts and terrorism”  which is available online at TV Trwam. (here)

This conference was held in Father Tadeusz Rydzyk’s private University in Torun. He, the founder and owner of pro-PiS Radio Maryja, is an important leader of the cult. The government were paying him money to host this, another act of cronyism after last month awarding him 26 million zloty in compensation in a court case for an abandoned hydrothermal project.

The 2 main speakers were The Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski and The Minister of Defence Antoni Macierewicz

These are the Highlights of what they said-

1) Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski said:

-Poland could be better off leaving the EU. He criticised the strict rules the EU dictates – he mentioned as fact the “straight banana” rule (a Euro-myth ) and said other EU rules on vegetable quality were against Polish farmers and on purpose anti-Polish.

-Poland would shortly be a net contributor to the EU so what was the point of membership as Poland no longer benefitted.

-Poland didn’t like the EU’s multicultural and LGBTI stance – “they aren’t Polish values”

(It sounded like he was preparing his audience to the future news that Poland would leave the EU)

-Polish embassy staff and Ambassadors where full of anti-polish feeling – ie by promoting gender- and this is ruining Poland’s name abroad.

-he had changed staff in 30 embassies so far and this would continue so they are all PiS

– he is considering giving Rydzyk/the church more money to promote PiS values to Polonia abroad

2) The Minister of Defence Antoni Macierewicz said :

-Russia started the modern wave of terrorism by blowing up the plane at Smolensk

-history was full of lies and had omitted how great the Polish armies of the past had been

-Poland would create a Territorial Army “Obrona Terytorialna ” comprised of at least 80,000 more soldiers (he said 240,00 last week ) and indoctrinated in Christian-Catholic-Patriotic values .  Religious conviction was their most important weapon. He would source them from gun clubs, sporting associations etc. (this has been likened to the creation of the Brown shirts in Germany in the 1930’s –here)

– you couldn’t really trust your allies (nato) unless you were strong

-it was time for NATO to recognise Poland as an equal member alongside the founding members

– that he didn’t want lectures on democracy from a “democracy that was created in the 18th century- when Poland’s democracy had it’s roots in the 13th century” (he was clearly speaking about the USA and thereby insulting them.)

– Poland’s membership of NATO is only a temporary measure

– hinted at leaving NATO- after he said “Poland is a member but…..”.

3) Rydzyk said he:

-wants Poles abroad to be able to vote even if they don’t have a current Polish passport (as lots of old Polonia will be brainwashed and vote for PiS)

– wants churches abroad to act as polling stations

-had received many complaints about the “un-Polish” embassy staff and stance on LGBTI rights (gender)

-knows there are enemies inside and outside Poland (KOD)

All 3 said Poland is under threat from inside (hinting at KOD) and outside of Poland- that the media and EU were orchestrated against Poland.

To those of us who do not believe them- an isolated catholic Poland under these conditions is a nightmare. That’s why so many people are going out to demonstrate.

But there are rifts. The political opposition are still fragmented : PSL, Razem, SLD, Nowoczesna,  PO,  the Greens (and others)  are not holding demonstrations together. KOD is trying to support each Political party that is opposed to breaching democracy and the rule of law but it is having difficulties and teething problems. It is a citizens organisation- a civil movement – that is barely 4 months old.

KOD has stated it is apolitical and has no ambitions of becoming a party hence KOD needs to play an active role in  uniting  all of the opposition and soon.


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